Welcome to the Green Initiatives page at Northwest Firestarters!
We understand the importance of sustainability and strive to do our part in preserving the earth for future generations. Our green initiatives are a testament to our dedication towards creating a more eco-friendly world. We are committed to making a positive impact on the environment and are proud to implement the following initiatives to help protect the planet.

  • One Tree Planted

    One Tree Planted: At checkout, customers have the option to pay to have a tree planted. For every tree planted, we are taking one step towards a greener future. With your support, we can make a significant difference in the fight against deforestation and promote reforestation efforts.

  • Planet - Carbon Offsets

    Supporting the Planet Initiative: We understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and are proud to offer carbon-neutral shipping. By purchasing carbon offsets, we are removing atmospheric carbon and storing it for 10+ years. The funds raised from these offsets will be used to support projects such as reforestation and soil carbon storage

  • Reuse Shipping Materials

    Reuse Shipping Packaging: To reduce waste and minimize our impact on the environment, we encourage our customers to reuse their shipping packaging. We offer a 15% discount on fire starters for those who return their packages to be reused. This not only helps to reduce waste, but it also saves our customers money.

At Northwest Firestarters, we believe that it's our responsibility to protect the planet for future generations. With these initiatives, we hope to make a positive impact and encourage others to do the same. Join us in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and promote a greener lifestyle for all. Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you for your support and for choosing to shop with us.