Welcome to NorthWest Firestarters, a company that was founded by a young and passionate Theodore, who, at just 8 years old, had a vision to create a business that could help people enjoy the great outdoors while also protecting the environment. With a love for camping, riding bikes, playing sports, swimming, and video games like Pokemon and Fortnite, Theodore wanted to create something that could make a real difference in the world.

Despite his young age of 11 years old, Theodore continues to run NorthWest Firestarters and develop new products. He is always thinking of creative ways to make camping and outdoor activities more enjoyable while maintaining a commitment to sustainability.

"I love being outside and playing with my friends, but I also care about the environment. That's why I started NorthWest Firestarters. I get to make cool stuff for people to use while camping and exploring, and we also give back to the Earth by planting trees and doing other stuff to help the planet."

- Theo

  • At NorthWest Firestarters, we're passionate about providing eco-friendly products that enhance your outdoor experiences while also protecting the environment. Our fire starter bricks are made from sustainable materials such as soy wax, beeswax, hemp, and wood shavings. Plus, our Aurora Inferno fire color packets add a touch of magic to your campfire by creating beautiful colors in the flames, inspired by the Aurora Borealis.

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  • We understand the importance of maintaining a balance between fun and being environmentally conscious, and we believe our products can do both. We encourage you to use our fire starter bricks and Aurora Inferno fire color packets responsibly by following leave-no-trace principles and minimizing your impact on the environment. Join us in our mission to enjoy the outdoors responsibly, and let us help you start your next adventure with a sustainable spark.

    Shop Auora Inferno 
  • We're proud to offer a range of innovative products that make camping and outdoor activities more enjoyable, while also promoting eco-friendliness. One such product is our pocket-sized fire bellows, which is designed to help you keep your fire roaring without the need for excessive blowing or risk of singeing your eyebrows. It's a compact and convenient tool that can be easily carried in your backpack or camping gear, making it a must-have for any outdoor adventure.

    Shop Fire Bellows 

In addition to our eco-friendly products, we're committed to doing our part to protect the environment. We believe that every small action counts, which is why we participate in various initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint and support reforestation efforts.

  • When you check out on our website, you have the option to donate to have a tree planted on your behalf. For every tree planted, we'll send you a certificate of appreciation to thank you for helping us create a healthier planet.

    Donate to Plant a Tree 
  • We also purchase carbon offsets to reduce the environmental impact of our products. By supporting reforestation efforts and carbon storage initiatives, we're able to offset the carbon footprint of all the products we ship.

    More About our Green Initiatives 
  • Lastly, we strive to reduce waste by reusing packaging materials whenever possible. This way, we're able to prevent old packages from ending up in landfills and reduce the amount of waste generated from our products.

    Save 15% by letting us Reuse Yours 

Thank you for choosing NorthWest Firestarters for your camping needs. We hope you'll continue to explore our website to learn more about our products and our commitment to the environment. Happy adventuring!

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